We're all going somewhere, and I just hope that somewhere is safe.

it's been another month since I last blogged, and I didn't realize that it's November already. which means yet another birthday of mine is coming up. I'll be 17 years old tomorrow. yep, tomorrow!

dari kemarin-kemarin gue emang udah niat posting blog, tapi engga tau apa yang mau di post. then after a long conversation this morning with my boyfriend, he asked me to write some wish-list for my birthday. but I don't have stuffs or something that I want 'it' so bad (cos your presence is more than enough). I just know things that are goods:

1. a long journey

2. my old and new friends
3. analog camera or polaroid

4. hamster

5. another mixtape..., hehe.

6. and, your presence :) 

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